Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I add real estate to my investment portfolio?
By diversifying through real estate, investors can optimize their portfolio with the addition of an asset class that is less correlated with public markets. Real estate finance (debt) offerings typically pay interest to investors on a monthly basis as the borrower makes payments.
What is direct vs indirect real estate investing?
Direct real estate investment refers to investment directly into a property, while indirect real estate exposure can be achieved via Real Estate Investment Trusts, which can be public or private.
What are the benefits of investing in real estate?
Real estate investments can foster diversification, potentially offsetting inflation. They can be an income or growth opportunity, or a combination of both. It’s commonly known to generate passive income and tax efficient-returns.
How do I start investing in real estate?
Real estate portfolio exposure can be achieved through debt and equity investments, both directly or indirectly. Yieldstreet offers unique access to real estate investing that was previously reserved for institutional investors. All real estate opportunities at Yieldstreet undergo a stringent multi-step vetting process, which helps mitigate risk.
Why is real estate considered to be an inflation hedge?
Real estate portfolio exposure can be achieved through debt and equity investments, both directly or indirectly. Better offers unique access to real estate investing that was previously reserved for institutional investors. All real estate opportunities at Yieldstreet undergo a stringent multi-step vetting process, which helps mitigate risk.